u2Baby BOOKING Form

We appreciate your consideration and understand the length of this form may seem extensive. Rest assured, it is designed to capture all necessary details to provide you with the most accurate and competitive pricing. We encourage you to complete it to the best of your ability, and in cases where you lack specific information, simply mark "unknown." We will gladly follow up to gather any missing details.

At U2Baby, our commitment is to establish win-win partnerships with all our clients, regardless of whether the occasion is a public performance, private event, corporate function, festival, or charity event. Please be aware that we do not offer our services for free, as our craft is our livelihood. However, we may extend discounts for events or causes that resonate with our values and mission.

To ensure that we can offer you the most tailored and competitive pricing for your upcoming event, we kindly request that you complete the following information to the best of your knowledge.

If you are unsure of any details at this stage, please indicate "UNKNOWN" in the respective fields.

Thank you for considering U2Baby for your event. We look forward to understanding your needs better and providing you with a comprehensive quote that aligns with your event's unique requirements.